So Happy to Meet you Online and In Person

Our team of dedicated volunteers is out in the community every month.

We hold venues such as:

Prayer in the Park

Drumming in the park

Free Markets

Kindness Rock Painting

Christmas Card Signing for the Active Duty Military

and more.

Zoom Classes, Book studies and Meet Ups. Look at our events page to join in

Join Us at our next event so we can meet Face to Face.

For those whom I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, my name is Rev. Rebecca (Beci) Rohkohl. I am deeply passionate about guiding Unity into the future through various avenues, including social media, virtual experiences, classes, institutions, centers like DV and homeless shelters, and beyond. Teachings of Unity and New Thought have profoundly transformed my life in ways that leave me in awe. My hope is to share even a spark of that inspiration with others, so they too may experience the profound benefits of these teachings.

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Isaiah 61:1 (The Voice)

The Spirit of the Lord, the Eternal, is on me.
    The Lord has appointed me for a special purpose.
He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.
    He has sent me to repair broken hearts,
And to declare to those who are held captive and bound in prison,
    “Be free from your imprisonment!”

Can we count on you to join our work and worship?