Rev. Beci Rohkohl is a lifelong learner and advocate of living a life in service to others. Her calling is to be of service to those who have weathered some of life’s most difficult storms and to help them unfold their own sense of wholeness and connection to self and spirit.
Beci is a student/teacher of the Unity principle for over 25 years. As a coach, mentor, advocate, instructor, facilitator, and aspiring minister, she works diligently to bring hope, faith, and love into action in this world. This commitment and passion lead her to outreach programs in community both online and in person.

Her life’s mission is to be of service to those who need or want help, meeting them where they are and supporting their individual growth spiritually and emotionally.

Rev. Beci and Phil Rohkohl

Peek at our Ministers resume here

Watch videos of her talks

Early on

I had a rocky start as a child and I had a lot to unlearn, most of which was never true about myself to begin. Needless to say, I spent many years uncovering what was not me to see the wholeness underneath.

I began my journey of unfolding over 25 years ago when I entered 12 step recovery and Unity Church of Memphis, TN. I had finally reached a place where I felt at home, both inside and outside my body.

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.” Dr. Brene Brown


I am a full-time caregiver for 4 granddaughters, a full-time Seminary student, a part time educator at the local adult school, I work with my husband on video projects where I edit and produce content for our church and nonprofits, I started my alternative outreach Agape Is Love with Agape in Action nearly a year ago, as we venture out into the community one event at a time, building bridges of hope and planting seeds of grace, and after all of that, I spend any time left with my family having fun.

Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic self-hood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be. As we do so, we will not only find the joy that every human being seeks–we will also find our path of authentic service in the world.”
― Parker Palmer